Report Card of - Aarna

Y 2024-25
Test IDMarksMaximum MarksPercentage
Ratio and Proportions ( VIIIth ) - Test 14944.444444444444
Reaching Age of Adolecense ( VIIIth ) - Test 116.52566
Understanding Quadrilaterals ( VIIIth ) - Test 220.164050.4
Combustion of Flame ( VIIIth ) - Test 12525100
Squares and Square Roots ( VIIIth ) - Test 1192286.363636363636
Conservation of Plants and Animals (VIII) WS-30122842.857142857143
Reaching the Age of Adolescence (VIII) WS-46123040
Rep. in Anmls / Adlsns ( VIIIth ) - Test 112.52452.083333333333

Y 2023-24
Test IDMarksMaximum MarksPercentage

Y 2022-23
Test IDMarksMaximum MarksPercentage

Y 2021-22
Test IDMarksMaximum MarksPercentage

Score --> 85.5

GPA -->6.7058823529412

Batch Rank - >5

Overall Rank - >118

Guest Book