Report Card of - Anish Sanan

Y 2024-25
Test IDMarksMaximum MarksPercentage
SETS ( +1 ) - Test 135.53698.611111111111
SETS and Logarithms {Ob.} ( XIth ) - Test 19010090
Linear Inequalities - ( XIth ) - Test 1373994.871794871795
Linear Inequalities - ( XIth ) - Test 213.51496.428571428571
Trigonometry ( XIth ) - Test 111.51576.666666666667
Complex Numbers ( XIth ) - Test 1313393.939393939394
Relations and Functions ( XIth ) - Test 1253964.102564102564
Trigonometry ( XIth ) - Test 2253375.757575757576
Permutations and Combinations ( +1 )27.54068.75

Y 2023-24
Test IDMarksMaximum MarksPercentage

Y 2022-23
Test IDMarksMaximum MarksPercentage

Y 2021-22
Test IDMarksMaximum MarksPercentage

Score --> 240

GPA -->8.8888888888889

Batch Rank - >9

Overall Rank - >58

Guest Book