Report Card of - Upma Gill

Y 2024-25
Test IDMarksMaximum MarksPercentage
NDA Binomial Theorm - Test 1162955.172413793103
SETS - Test 125.52891.071428571429
SETS and Logarithms {Ob.} ( XIth ) - Test 17710077
Progressions ( NDA ) - Test 1456371.428571428571
Inverse Trig. ( NDA )202580
Matrices and Determinants ( +2 ) - Test 27410074
Matrices ( +2 ) - Test 22424100
Quadratic Equations ( NDA ) - Test 16811161.261261261261
Complex Numbers ( NDA ) - Test 16512950.387596899225
Trigonometry ( NDA ) -Test 2679669.791666666667
Inverse Trig. ( NDA ) - Test 1709077.777777777778
Functions ( +2 ) - Test 17112059.166666666667
Test ( NDA ) - 110012679.365079365079
Limits ( NDA ) - Test 1519056.666666666667
Straight Line ( NDA ) - Test 1639070
Conic Sections ( NDA ) - Test 1619067.777777777778
Inverse Trigonometry ( XIIth ) - Test 271070
Circles ( NDA ) - Test 27219237.5
Trigonometry ( NDA ) -Test 4407553.333333333333
Full Syllabus (NDA Maths) - Test 1130.8430043.613333333333
General Ability Test ( NDA ) - 2017 (A)356.260059.366666666667
Maths ( NDA ) - 2023 (D)170292.558.119658119658
Continuity and Diffrentiability ( XIIth ) - Test 119.54048.75

Y 2023-24
Test IDMarksMaximum MarksPercentage

Y 2022-23
Test IDMarksMaximum MarksPercentage

Y 2021-22
Test IDMarksMaximum MarksPercentage

Score --> 547

GPA -->7.058064516129

Batch Rank - >9

Overall Rank - >28

Guest Book