Report Card of - Saksham Verma

Y 2024-25
Test IDMarksMaximum MarksPercentage
SETS and Logarithms {Ob.} ( XIth ) - Test 18010080
Linear Inequalities - ( XIth ) - Test 135.54972.448979591837
Linear Inequalities - ( XIth ) - Test 213.251494.642857142857
Trigonometry ( XIth ) - Test 1121580
Complex Numbers ( XIth ) - Test 1243372.727272727273
Relations and Functions ( XIth ) - Test 1283971.794871794872
Permutations ( XIth ) - Test 133.54083.75
Permutations and Combinations ( +1 )364090

Y 2023-24
Test IDMarksMaximum MarksPercentage

Y 2022-23
Test IDMarksMaximum MarksPercentage

Y 2021-22
Test IDMarksMaximum MarksPercentage

Score --> 213

GPA -->8.875

Batch Rank - >13

Overall Rank - >65

Guest Book