Report Card of - Jashan

Y 2024-25
Test IDMarksMaximum MarksPercentage
Rational Numbers ( 8th ) - Test 1111668.75
Rational Numbers ( 8th ) - Test 2182378.260869565217
Micro Organisms (Friends or Foe) - Test 199100
Rational Numbers ( 8th ) - Test 3101952.631578947368
Resources (VIIIth) -Test 1192095
Resources (VIIIth) -Test 2131586.666666666667
Indian Constitution and Secularism ( 8th ) - Test 18.51085
The Ant and the Cricket ( 8th ) - Test 191090
Chem. Eff. of Elec. Curr. ( 8th ) -Test 181080
Th. Brtsh. - Fm. Tds. to Rlrs. ( VIII ) - 11010100
Ruling the Countryside ( VIII ) - Orl9.51095
Ruling the Countryside ( VIII ) - Test 233100
Th. Bst. Chrsms. Prsnt. in th. Wrld.171894.444444444444
Indian Constitution and Secularism ( VIIIth ) - Test 188100
Micro Organisms (Friends or Foe) - Test 23.75493.75
Ruling the Countryside ( VIII ) - Test 1131586.666666666667

Y 2023-24
Test IDMarksMaximum MarksPercentage

Y 2022-23
Test IDMarksMaximum MarksPercentage

Y 2021-22
Test IDMarksMaximum MarksPercentage

Score --> 230.75

GPA -->9.4183673469388

Batch Rank - >2

Overall Rank - >60

Guest Book