Report Card of - Lavanya

Y 2024-25
Test IDMarksMaximum MarksPercentage
Integers ( 6th ) - Test 188100
Integers Adv. ( 6th ) - Test 16875
Integers Adv. ( 6th ) - Test 291275
Noun-Gender ( 6th ) - Test 135.53795.945945945946
Integers Adv. ( 6th ) - Test 371258.333333333333
Places of Eminence (7th) - Test 155100
Integers {H.C.F.} (6th) - Test 191090
Integers {H.C.F.} (6th) - Test 21010100
Plant Cells ( VIth ) - Test 17.5893.75
Animal Cells ( VIth ) - Test 155100
LCM HCF ( VIth ) - Test 12323100
Integers e.x. 1.1 ( 6th ) - Test 181080
Coco.s Day Out ( 6th ) - Test 13.5487.5
Thunder and Lightning ( 6th ) - Test 13.5487.5
Simple Present Tense ( 6th ) - Test 113.51590
Regular Past Tense Verbs ( 6th ) - Test 1131586.666666666667
Simplifying Ratios (VIth) -Test 1333594.285714285714
Sentences (VIth) - Test 1192286.363636363636
Compounds and Formulae ( VIth ) - Test 11212100
Periodic Table ( VIth ) - Test 1192095
Indian Constitution and Secularism ( 8th ) - Test 1122157.142857142857
Locality , then and now ( 7th ) - Test 31010100
Locality , then and now ( 7th ) - Test 41212100
Ordering Fractions ( VIth ) - Test 188100
Atoms Elements and the Periodic Table ( VIth ) - Test 155100
Tenses ( VIth ) - Test 31212100
Full Syllabus {Sci.} ( VIth ) - Test 1222395.652173913043
Force and Gravity ( VIth ) - Test 112.51583.333333333333
Present Tense ( VIth ) - Test 155100
Present Perfect Tense ( VIth ) - Test 155100
Articles ( VIth ) - Test 1111478.571428571429

Y 2023-24
Test IDMarksMaximum MarksPercentage
Decimals ( 5th )304566.666666666667
Decimals ( 5th ) - Test 2232592
Areas ( 5th ) - Test 12020100

Y 2022-23
Test IDMarksMaximum MarksPercentage

Y 2021-22
Test IDMarksMaximum MarksPercentage

Score --> 592.5

GPA -->10

Batch Rank - >1

Overall Rank - >19

Guest Book