Report Card of - Kairav Kalia

Y 2024-25
Test IDMarksMaximum MarksPercentage
Rational Numbers ( 8th ) - Test 1101662.5
Rational Numbers ( 8th ) - Test 2222395.652173913043
Rational Numbers ( 8th ) - Test 3151978.947368421053
Binary ( 8th ) - Test 1182090

Y 2023-24
Test IDMarksMaximum MarksPercentage
Areas ( 7th ) Sch. Tst.- Test 11818100
Areas ( 7th ) Sch. Tst.- Test 291560
Exponents and Powers ( 7th ) - Test 1 182766.666666666667
Exponents and Powers ( 7th ) - Test 2 2121100
Exponents and Powers ( 7th ) - PEFFA121580

Y 2022-23
Test IDMarksMaximum MarksPercentage

Y 2021-22
Test IDMarksMaximum MarksPercentage

Score --> 143

GPA -->9.2258064516129

Batch Rank - >3

Overall Rank - >91

Guest Book