Report Card of - Mehak Rana

Y 2024-25
Test IDMarksMaximum MarksPercentage
Matrices ( +2 ) - Test 1728090
SETS - Test 116.52858.928571428571
Matrices and Determinants ( +2 ) - Test 25910059
Matrices ( +2 ) - Test 213.52456.25
Relations and Functions ( +2 ) - Test 116.752762.037037037037
Inverse Trigonometry ( XIIth ) - Test 231030
Inverse Trigonometry ( XIIth ) - Test 3152268.181818181818
Differentiation ( XII ) - Test 1103231.25
Applications of Derivatives ( XIIth ) - Test 111.51863.888888888889
Matrices (+2) - Test 4112445.833333333333
Relations , Functions and Inverse ( XIIth ) - Test 1 202774.074074074074

Y 2023-24
Test IDMarksMaximum MarksPercentage
Grand Test ( +1 ) - Test 1 20.54446.590909090909
Sequences and Series ( +1 ) - Test 1 151883.333333333333
Trigonometry ( +1 ) - Test 1 9.52047.5
Complex Numbers ( +1 ) - Test 1 7.52037.5
L. E. ( +1 ) - Test 1 242885.714285714286
JEE Mock Exam ( +1 ) - Test 1 243080
L. E. ( +1 ) - Test 214.51690.625
Sets ( +1 ) - Test 1253473.529411764706
Logarithms and Sequences Jt. ( +1 ) - Test 1 5312044.166666666667
Straight Lines ( +1 ) - Test 2 11.51482.142857142857
Straight Lines ( +1 ) - Test 3 142070
Straight Lines ( +1 ) - Test 410.51570
Straight Lines ( +1 ) - Test 5 {Subjective}142850
Circles ( +1 ) - Test 1 42615.384615384615
Coordinate Geometry ( +1 ) - Test 1 142556
Conic Sections ( +1 ) - Test5912049.166666666667
Coordinate Geometry ( +1 ) - Test 210.53035
Complex Numbers ( +1 ) - Test 2162272.727272727273
Trigonometry ( +1 ) - Test 2172373.913043478261
Permutations and Combinations ( +1 ) - Test 172133.333333333333
Sequence and Series / Straight Lines (+1) Test 118.52092.5

Y 2022-23
Test IDMarksMaximum MarksPercentage

Y 2021-22
Test IDMarksMaximum MarksPercentage

Score --> 742

GPA -->6.5663716814159

Batch Rank - >6

Overall Rank - >13

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