Report Card of - Vishnu Shankar Bansal

Y 2024-25
Test IDMarksMaximum MarksPercentage
SETS - Test 116.52858.928571428571
Matrices ( +2 ) - Test 1212875
Matrices and Determinants ( +2 ) - Test 28110081
Matrices ( +2 ) - Test 220.52485.416666666667
Functions ( +2 ) - Test 15512045.833333333333
Relations and Functions ( +2 ) - Test 114.52753.703703703704
Inverse Trigonometry ( XIIth ) - Test 291090
Inverse Trigonometry ( XIIth ) - Test 3122254.545454545455
Differentiation ( XII ) - Test 1183256.25
Applications of Derivatives ( XIIth ) - Test 1151883.333333333333
Matrices (+2) - Test 482433.333333333333

Y 2023-24
Test IDMarksMaximum MarksPercentage
Grand Test ( +1 ) - Test 1 394488.636363636364
Intro to 3D ( +1 ) - Test 1 163447.058823529412
Probability ( +1 ) - Test 1 9.52341.304347826087
Sequences and Series ( +1 ) - Test 1 1818100
Trigonometry ( +1 ) - Test 1 92045
Complex Numbers ( +1 ) - Test 1 18.52092.5
L. E. ( +1 ) - Test 1 24.52887.5
JEE Mock Exam ( +1 ) - Test 1 253083.333333333333
L. E. ( +1 ) - Test 215.51696.875
Sets ( +1 ) - Test 1303488.235294117647
Logarithms and Sequences Jt. ( +1 ) - Test 1 1641.5625
Straight Lines ( +1 ) - Test 3 152075
Straight Lines ( +1 ) - Test 413.51590
Straight Lines ( +1 ) - Test 5 {Subjective}112839.285714285714
Circles ( +1 ) - Test 1 52619.230769230769
Coordinate Geometry ( +1 ) - Test 1 14.52558
Conic Sections ( +1 ) - Test4412036.666666666667
Coordinate Geometry ( +1 ) - Test 233010
Complex Numbers ( +1 ) - Test 2152268.181818181818
Trigonometry ( +1 ) - Test 2152365.217391304348
Permutations and Combinations ( +1 ) - Test 110.52150
Limits and Derivatives ( +1 ) - Test 1 3.52116.666666666667
Sequence and Series / Straight Lines (+1) Test 1152075

Y 2022-23
Test IDMarksMaximum MarksPercentage

Y 2021-22
Test IDMarksMaximum MarksPercentage

Score --> 799

GPA -->6.6861924686192

Batch Rank - >5

Overall Rank - >10

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